Today, we have a review sponsored by
Shelly from OurDollFashions!
She has sponsored us with an elegant, girly
Isn't it just perfect???
Here is my photoshoot.
Okay, now let's get to the review.
The dress is a bright lavender color
with a print featuring white leaves.
Here is a closer look at the leaves.
The dress top and bottom are separated by a ribbon that is the same color
as the leaves.

Today, we have a review sponsored by
Shelly from OurDollFashions!
She has sponsored us with an elegant, girly
Isn't it just perfect???
Here is my photoshoot.
Okay, now let's get to the review.
The dress is a bright lavender color
with a print featuring white leaves.
Here is a closer look at the leaves.
The dress top and bottom are separated by a ribbon that is the same color
as the leaves.
As you can see here,
the dress has frilly sleeves which add on to the
elegance of this dress.
The dress is gathered at the waist and at the bottom.
It is super easy to put on and take off because the back is all velcro!
Overall, I think this dress is just perffff.
I give it a 5/5 stars and it looks soooo cute on Heather.
All the details and the cutestttt fabric make this dress complete.
For this review, I interviewed the seamstress.
Q: 1. How long have you been sewing?
A: Originally, I learned to sew in junior high home economics,
and I hated every minute of it. Several years later, I picked it
back up and started sewing doll clothes.
This time it developed into an obsession.
Q: 2. How many and which AG dolls do you have?
A: I only have one American Girl doll, and it is one that you design yourself.
Q: 3. How long does it take for you to make one of your items?
Q: 3. How long does it take for you to make one of your items?
A: It really doesn't take long to sew one of my outfits.
I average about 30 minutes from cutting out the fabric to a finished product.
Q: 4. When did you start your etsy shop?
Q: 4. When did you start your etsy shop?
I started my Etsy shop in January 2012. I had stacks and stacks of finished doll clothes and I didn't know what to do with them. A neighbor told me about Etsy. I set up my shop shortly after that and had my first sale within 3 days. From then on, I was hooked.
Q:5. Do any of your family members collect AG too?
Q:5. Do any of your family members collect AG too?
A: My 13-year old daughter has Isabelle.
Thank you Shelly for giving me a chance
to have you as a sponsor!
Everyone, be sure to check out her shop!

So cute!
I like the spots on the dress!