Thursday, July 11, 2013

Autumn's Interview!

Here is Autumn's Interview!

1. What is your name/nickname? Autumn
2. How many blogs do you have? 2 and in two I am a contributor
3. What do you like best about this blog? Everything, especially the authoress!
4. What do you do when you get a follower on your blog? Say "Thank you Lord," Then go find out who it is.
5. How many dolls do you have and what are their names? Esther, is a Sprongfield doll and my only one.

6. What do you blog about?
Dolls, and random stuff

7. Which blogs inspired you to make your own?
Probably AGTuber's who had blogs

8. What is your favorite color?
Cant's exactly choose...lime green, certain shades of blue, pink and purple. (What girl doesn't?)

9. Who is your favorite singer or band?
I also can't decide..Owl City, Chris Tomlin, Kari Jobe, Newsboys...

10. Which blog do you want your blog to become like?
I'm not sure...



Have fun commenting!
1. No bad words
2. Be Nice
3. Always have fun!